Poker is a card game in which players wager money (usually chips) against one another by placing them into the pot. Each player has a chance to win the pot by making a good hand. The game requires skill and an understanding of probability and game theory. It also requires good decision making and the ability to read opponents, including their body language and other tells.
The game begins with a shuffle and cutting of the cards by the dealer. Then the players are dealt a number of cards, depending on the specific variant being played. The player to the immediate right of the dealer places an ante into the pot and then the betting starts.
Reading your opponents is a key skill in poker, and there are many books that have been written about it. This involves observing subtle physical poker tells such as the way they place and handle their chips, eye movements and mood changes. It is also important to know how to read players when they are bluffing.
Bluffing is a form of deception where a player bets strongly on a weak hand in the hope that other players with superior hands will fold. It is a vital part of the game, and it can also be used to help improve the chances of winning a hand by intimidating other players. It can also be useful in limiting losses, by allowing a player to call a bet from a less strong made hand when they are in late position.